Extended through February 15th - This curated selection of lyrical paintings by artists Enrique Martínez Celaya, Greta Waller, and Mike Piggott, features poignant scenes of ice and snow that speak to one another, as they speak to us, of changes taking place in our environment.
This curated selection of lyrical paintings features poignant scenes of ice and snow that speak to one another, as they speak to us, of changes taking place in our environment. Bearing reflection on time and our future within this delicate ecosystem, Abacus reminds us of the magic of nature and the respect it commands.
Enrique Martínez Celaya's figurative work, often mystical and somewhat somber in subject matter, serves to probe deep into the human psyche, exploring philosophical and metaphysical queries.
Ice has remained a fascination for artist Greta Waller for the past decade. From in-studio Ice Block paintings to the wintry mountainscapes of her Avalanche series, Waller captures the ephemerality of time with her paintbrush as it plays out in one of nature's most fascinating resources.
Mike Piggott admits that he likes to skirt the mysteries and complexities of life for which we have few words that never seem to define the experienced sensations.