Untitled (Sleepiness, Opioid Addiction, Opioid Addiction), 2022Urethane paint on wood39 x 39 inches
WEDRANKCOFFEEWITHCOLA, 2023Epoxy resin and pigments on wood28 X 96 inches
Untitled (Opioid Addiction, Anxiety, ADHD), 2022Urethane paint on wood42 x 39 1/2 inches
Markus Linnenbrink, HARDLUCKSTORY, 2022
Untitled (3 Opioid Addiction, ADHD), 2022Urethane paint on wood40 1/8 x 40 inches
Markus Linnenbrink, SLIGHTLYCRUMBLEDTRICKS, 2022
Untitled (Abortion, Abortion, Anxiety, Depression), 2023Urethane paint on wood45 x 41 1/2 inches
ITHINKIWILLCALLITMORNING, 2023Epoxy resin and pigments on wood60 X 48 inches
Untitled (Depression, Depression, Anxiety, Birth Control), 2023Urethane paint on wood45 x 45 1/2 inches
Markus Linnenbrink, IKNOWMYROOMISAMESS, 2022
Untitled (Insomnia, Anxiety, Osteoporosis, Anxiety, Muscle Spasm), 2023Urethane paint on wood45 x 45 inches
WHEREDRYDESERTSEND, 2022Epoxy resin and pigments on wood24 X 48 inches
OUTOFSTYLETRAGEDY, 2022Epoxy resin and pigments on wood48 x 60 inches
WEMEASURETHEHEARTWITHAFIST, 2021Epoxy resin and pigments on wood24 X 96 inches
BREAKINGTHROUGHTHESOIL, 2022Epoxy resin and pigments on wood24 x 96 inches
Selected Work: Beverly Fishman & Markus Linnenbrink
Past exhibition